Dress yourself in oranges 🍊

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Be among the first to get the first generation !

be the first to get our unique clothes made from orange peels.

Our Dedicated Team of Researchers

Our dedicated team of researchers has been working tirelessly for years to bring this groundbreaking idea to life. Led by Professor Fadi Al-Siouri, our team has worked day and night in the labs of the Arab American University to develop this innovative technology. We are excited to share our sustainable clothing made from orange peels with the world.


Delve into the landmark successes and recognitions of ‘Furange’s’ voyage in sustainable entrepreneurship. Here, eco-consciousness intertwines with breakthrough innovation. Each honor we receive is a testament to our unwavering pledge for a more verdant and viable future.

Evolution of Clothing

Historically, clothing was designed for protecting humans from the natural elements like cold, rain and snow. However, in more recent times clothing has also become a fashion statement reflecting the wearer’s personality and the image that he or she
wants to convey.

Fibers are the basic raw material for the production of apparel. Typically, fibers are grouped into two broad categories. Natural fibers include wool, silk, cashmere, cotton and jute. Man-made fibers include polyester, nylons and acrylics. However, there is also a third category that exists between natural and synthetic fibers known as Rayon fibers
.it is a regenerated cellulose fiber that is made from natural sources of cellulose.

Global Textile Species: Environmental Challenges

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